Athens 2014

Athens Athens, Greece

Presentation of the New Sepsis Guidelines Download the Program in pdf

Xylocastron 2014

Septic patient: management and pharmacoeconomics The Hellenic Sepsis Study Group works under the auspices of the Hellenic Society of Chemotherapy and the Hellenic Institute for the Study of Sepsis with the participation of Pathological Clinics, Surgical Clinics and Intensive Care Units from Greece and Cyprus. Download the Program in pdf

Vravrona 2015

Athens Athens, Greece

6th European Conference on Bloodstream Infections The Working Group on Endocarditis of the International Society for Chemotherapy proudly organizes the on the 6 and 7 June 2015 in Vravrona,Greece. Ôhis conference is far different in structure and content compared to the previous five conferences: having as a main aim the information of the attendees on

Anavyssos 2016

Athens Athens, Greece

Sepsis 2016 The Hellenic Sepsis Study Group works under the auspices of the Hellenic Society of Chemotherapy and the Hellenic Institute for the Study of Sepsis with the participation of Pathological Clinics, Surgical Clinics and Intensive Care Units from Greece and Cyprus. Download the Program in pdf

Thessaloniki 2016

Thessaloniki , Greece

Update on infections and sepsis in the ICU The Hellenic Sepsis Study Group works under the auspices of the Hellenic Society of Chemotherapy and the Hellenic Institute for the Study of Sepsis with the participation of Pathological Clinics, Surgical Clinics and Intensive Care Units from Greece and Cyprus. Download the Program in pdf

Kalamata 2017

kalamata kalamata, Greece

Critically ill patients: from translational research to clinical management. The Greek Study Group on Sepsis is now in its 11th year of existence year of intensive collection of clinical information and biospecimens from Greek patients. This year the Group is organising a completely different two-day conference which underlines its main research orientation. The two-day conference

Marathon 2018

Marathon Marathon, Greece

Sepsis 2018. The Hellenic Sepsis Study Group works under the auspices of the Hellenic Society of Chemotherapy and the Hellenic Institute for the Study of Sepsis with the participation of Pathological Clinics, Surgical Clinics and Intensive Care Units from Greece and Cyprus. Download the Program in pdf

Kalavrita 2019

Development and clinical research. The Hellenic Sepsis Study Group works under the auspices of of the Hellenic Society of Chemotherapy and the Hellenic Institute for the Study of Sepsis with the participation of Pathological Clinics, Surgical Clinics and Intensive Care Units from Greece and Cyprus. Download the Program in pdf

Athens 2020

Athens Athens, Greece

COVID-19: The modern face of viral sepsis Humanity is experiencing a devastating pandemic from the new SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) coronavirus. The disease is having a catastrophic impact on the conditions of our lives and our society. Since early spring 2020, all members of the Hellenic Sepsis Study Group are united in a huge effort to understand

Marathon 2021

Marathon Marathon, Greece

Personalized treatment of serious infections: From COVID-19 to bacterial sepsis. Humanity is experiencing a devastating pandemic from the new SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) coronavirus. The disease is having a catastrophic impact on the conditions of our lives and our society. Since early spring 2020, all members of the Hellenic Sepsis Study Group are united in a huge

Marathon 2022

Marathon Marathon, Greece

Sepsis and precision medicine: The leading position of Greece. The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19 disease) was the springboard for the emergence of the Greek Sepsis Study Group as a protagonist of international therapeutic developments in the treatment of patients with serious infections. On 16 December 2021, the European Medicines Agency authorized

Kalamata 2023

kalamata kalamata, Greece

National Conference of Hellenic Sepsis Study Group The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (disease COVID-19) was the springboard for the emergence of the Greek Sepsis Study Group as a protagonist of international therapeutic developments in the treatment of patients with serious infections. After the authorization of the drug anakinra for the treatment of

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