Cookies Policy

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit that website. This way, the site remembers your actions and preferences for a period of time, so you do not have to enter those preferences every time you visit the site or browse its pages. Cookies collect information and when read by a server through a web browser they can provide information about the use of the website.
Data Controller
The Data Controller for the processing of the data collected through the use of cookies on the website is the non-profit organization “Hellenic Institute for the Study of Sepsis” (hereinafter the Institute). For more information on the processing of personal data, visit our Website’s Privacy Policy here.
What types of cookies are used on the site
The types of cookies used by the website are persistent and session cookies.

  • Session cookies are deleted after the end of your browsing on our website and/or after closing your web browser.
  • Persistent cookies remain on your computer or device until you delete them, or for a time set in the cookie.

What cookies are used on our website and what information is collected?
The website uses cookies for various purposes depending on their function:

  • Strictly necessary. These cookies are essential for the proper website function. They allow you to browse and use the website’s features, e.g. access to secure areas. These cookies do not recognize your personal identity. Without these cookies, we cannot offer an efficient function of our website.
  • Statistics Cookies. Statistics cookies help us understand how our website visitors interact with the website.

Detailed Cookie Table we use

Cookie name Cookie Developer and Description Data Retention Period Τype Recipient/Recipients


Developed by Google Analytics. It is used to evaluate the purpose of a user’s visit to the site, creating reports about their activity on it, in order to improve customer experience. 2 years Statistics Google Inc.
_gid Developed by Google Analytics. It is used to collect information about how visitors use the site, creating reports about their activity on it, in order to improve customer experience. The data collected is anonymous and relates to the number of visitors, the source where they have come from and the pages visited. 1 day Statistics Google Inc.

How to manage cookies;
Cookies are stored on your computer or device, after being informed about the privacy settings and giving your consent for each of these categories, with the exception of “Strictly Necessary” cookies, for which explicit consent is not required. If you do not accept cookies or some categories of them, some of the features of our website may not be fully available, but in no case will you be excluded from accessing our website.
It is at your discretion to withdraw, whenever you wish, your consent or oppose to the use of cookies on your computer or device, to manage and/or delete cookies.

  • By clicking on the “Cookies ” option, you can choose which type of cookies you would like our Website to use. You can change your preferences at any time. Οn the Cookies Settings tab you will find a list of all cookies by category (essential, statistics).
  • Please note that the use of Cookie Settings on our Website does not imply the deletion of cookies that have already been installed. You can delete cookies from the computer or device you use at any time by following the links below. In this way you revoke your consent to the use of cookies on your computer or device.
  • You can also configure your browser in such a way that it either warns you about the use of cookies in certain services of websites, or not to allow the use of cookies under any circumstances.

Where can you find further information on the protection of personal data collected by cookies?
Information on the protection of your personal data collected from the use of cookies, but also on your rights and how to exercise them, can be found in the Privacy Policy of our Website here.

Where can you find more information on the general use of cookies?
More information on the general use of cookies, as well as the methods of rejecting or restricting them, can be found at and
Changes to the Cookies Policy
The current Cookies Policy may be amended at any time. For this reason, we suggest that you refer to the present Policy regularly. This Policy entered into force on 21 April 2021. In case it is amended, the date on which it took place shall be indicated. The applicable Cookies Policy, is the one formatted by the most recent amendment.