Ongoing study

Official Study Title
Immunotherapy Navigated by Serum Presepsin for Infections of the REspiratory tract: the INSPIRE double-blind, randomized, phase IIa exploratory trial

Brief Description
The INSPIRE study is an exploratory, randomised, phase IIa clinical trial which aims to evaluate the potential benefit of presepsin-guided anakinra therapy as an adjuvant to the standard of care treatment in patients with community-acquired pneumonia or hospital-acquired pneumonia by preventing the development of organ dysfunction.

Status: Recruitment completed
Study Type: Interventional (Clinical Trial)
Study phase: IIa
Study sites: 5 sites in Greece
Target of enrolment: 60 participants Identifier: NTC05785442
EudraCT number: 2022-002390-28
National Organization for Medicines Approval: IS108-22

Study Start: October 2022

Condition/Disease studied: Infections of the respiratory tract
Keywords: CAP; HAP; Anakinra

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