General Assembly

Georgios Koratzanis MD, PhD
He is an internist and Infectious Diseases Consultant. He went through all the levels of hierarchy of the Greek National Health System and he reached the rank of Director of the 2nd Department of Internal Medicine of Athens Sismanogleion General Hospital from which he retired in 2011. He has 32 peer-reviewed publications in international medical journals.
Antigone Kotsaki MD, PhD
She is a Consultant specialized in Internal Medicine and in Immunology of Infectious Diseases at the 4th Department of Internal Medicine at ATTIKON University General Hospital. She received her PhD from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School in November 2012 on the genetic polymorphisms of septic patients. She has 39 peer-reviewed publications in international medical journals.
Pantelis Koutoukas MD, PhD
He is an internist and intensivist specialized in Internal Medicine and in Immunology of Infectious Diseases at the 4th Department of Internal Medicine at ATTIKON University General Hospital. He received his PhD from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School in February 2010 on the immunomodulatory properties of intravenous clarithromycin in experimental sepsis by multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. He has 26 peer-reviewed publications in international medical journals.
Konstantinos Mandragos MD, PhD
He is an intensivist and former chairman of the Intensive Care Unit at “Korgialeneion-Benakeion” Athens General Hospital. His main research interests are the pharmacokinetics of new antimicrobials in critically ill patients. He has participated in 25 peer-reviewed articles.
Andreas Papapetropoulos PhD
He is a pharmacologist and registered pharmacist. His research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of drug action and the preclinical evaluation of drug candidates. He is currently Professor of Pharmacology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens School of Pharmacy and Affiliated investigator at the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens. He has been Adjunct/Visiting Professor in European (Maastricht University) and North American Universities (McGill University, LSU, UTMB, UMDNJ). He is a member of the editorial boards of journals published by the British and American Pharmacological Societies and the American Heart Association. He is elected Fellow of the American Society of Cardiology and the British Society of Pharmacology, and Secretary General of the Federation of European Pharmacological Societies (EPHAR). He has 180 peer-reviewed publications in international medical journals with h-index 63.
Maria Raftogianni MD, PhD
She is an internist specialized in Internal Medicine and in Immunology of Infectious Diseases at the 4th Department of Internal Medicine at ATTIKON University General Hospital. She received her PhD from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School in April 2009 on the immunomodulatory properties of intravenous clarithromycin in experimental sepsis by multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. She has 32 peer-reviewed publications in international medical journals.
Aikaterini Spyridaki MD, PhD
She is an internist specialized in Internal Medicine and in Immunology of Infectious Diseases at the 4th Department of Internal Medicine at ATTIKON University General Hospital. She received her PhD from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School in December 2012 on the immunomodulatory properties of intravenous clarithromycin monocytes of patients suffering from sepsis and ventilator-associated pneumonia. She has 18 peer-reviewed publications in international medical journals.
Athanassia Chatzianastasiou PhD
She holds a PhD from the Department of Pharmacy of the Medical School of Democritus University of Thrace. She has 11 publications and has dealt mainly with lung mechanics and the study of hydrogen sulfide in the cardiovascular system. She works in the experimental surgery of the Intensive Care Unit of Evangelismos General Hospital and in recent years is a collaborating member of the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA) and the Hellenic Institute for the Study of Sepsis.

Executive Board


Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis MD, PhD

He graduated from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School in 1994, where he also completed his PhD in 1998 entitled “The in vitro activity of polyunsaturated fatty acids on Gram-negative bacteria”. He finished his training in Internal Medicine in Laikon Athens Hospital in 2001 and he specialized in the immunology of infectious disease at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands in 2006-2007. He is currently Professor of Internal Medicine at Athens Medical School and Supervisor of the Immunology of Infectious Diseases Laboratory and Out-Patient Centre at ATTIKON University Hospital. He is the director of  MSc in Infectious Diseases at the National and Kapodistrian School of Medicine in Athens, Greece. His research interests include the pathogenesis of sepsis with emphasis on immunoparalysis, innate immunity and biological therapies in hidradenitis suppurativa, and in vitro activities and pharmacokinetic of antimicrobials and their interactions on multidrug- resistant species. In 2009 he was awarded the Young Investigator Research Award of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. He is the first who described the complex immune dysregulation of COVID-19. He has published 542 peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals. He has 36,630 citations with h-index 91. He serves as the current President of the European Sepsis Alliance and he is a board member of the Global Sepsis Alliance. He is also coordinator of the Hellenic Sepsis Study Group.

4th Department of Internal Medicine ATTIKON University Hospital

Vice President

Haralambos Bassaris MD, PhD

He is an internist and infectious diseases consultant. He went through all the levels of hierarchy at the University of Patras where he became Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. During the period 2006-2011 he served as chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine and of Infectious Diseases of the Rion University Hospital of the University of Patras. His main research interests are the pharmacology of newer antimicrobials and the pathophysiology of sepsis. He has 87 publications in peer-reviewed international journals and h-index 31.


Kyriaki Kanellakopoulou MD, PhD

She graduated from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School in 1969 when she also completed her PhD in 1976 on the pharmacokinetic properties of 2nd generation cephalosporins. She was trained in Infectious Diseases in London in 1980. She went through all ranks of hierarchy of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School as lecturer in 1979, Assistant Professor in 1989, Associate Professor in 2000 and Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases in 2011. She is currently Emeritus Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her main research interests are the pharmacokinetics of newer antimicrobials and the management of orthopedic infections with the use of elution systems. She has published 82 peer-reviewed articles in international journals with more than 1,000 citations.


Maria Mouktaroudi MD, PhD

She graduated from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School in 1996, where she also completed her PhD in 2006 on the in vivo effect of arachidonic acid on the management of experimental infections by multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa. She finished her training in internal medicine in Laikon Athens Hospital in 2003 and she specialized in the immunology of infectious disease at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands in 2006-2007. She also received training in the management of Diabetes Mellitus in 2009-2010 at the Out-Patients Department of Diabetes of the ATTIKON University Hospital. She is currently Consultant of Internal Medicine at ATTIKON University Hospital. Her research interests include the pathogenesis of sepsis with emphasis on biological therapies. She has published 36 peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals.


Charalambos Gogos MD, PhD

He is an internist and infectious diseases consultant. He went through all the levels of hierarchy at the University of Patras where he is since 2004 Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. From 2011 to 2020 he served as chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine and of Infectious Diseases of the Rion University Hospital of the University of Patras. His main research interests are the pathophysiology of sepsis with emphasis on the immunoparalysis of sepsis and the management of chronic hepatitis C. He has 252 publications in peer-reviewed international journals and h-index 31. Ηe is the coordinator of the Hellenic Sepsis Study Group since 2006.


Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis MD, PhD

He graduated from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School in 1994, where he also completed his PhD in 1998 entitled “The in vitro activity of polyunsaturated fatty acids on Gram-negative bacteria”. He finished his training in Internal Medicine in Laikon Athens Hospital in 2001 and he specialized in the immunology of infectious disease at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands in 2006-2007. He is currently Professor of Internal Medicine at Athens Medical School and Supervisor of the Immunology of Infectious Diseases Laboratory and Out-Patient Centre at ATTIKON University Hospital. He is the director of  MSc in Infectious Diseases at the National and Kapodistrian School of Medicine in Athens, Greece. His research interests include the pathogenesis of sepsis with emphasis on immunoparalysis, innate immunity and biological therapies in hidradenitis suppurativa, and in vitro activities and pharmacokinetic of antimicrobials and their interactions on multidrug- resistant species. In 2009 he was awarded the Young Investigator Research Award of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. He is the first who described the complex immune dysregulation of COVID-19. He has published 543 peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals. He has 36,804 citations with h-index 92. He serves as the current President of the European Sepsis Alliance and he is a board member of the Global Sepsis Alliance. He is also coordinator of the Hellenic Sepsis Study Group.


Leda Efstratiou
Leda EfstratiouHead Administrator
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus maximus venenatis lectus nec ultricies. Aenean tellus felis, gravida at urna eu, tristique facilisis ante. Sed semper luctus massa, sit amet hendrerit mi lobortis sed. Mauris vel imperdiet odio, vitae pharetra urna. Aliquam efficitur orci dui, in lacinia diam consectetur sit amet. Nam fermentum risus id nulla sollicitudin, sit amet fringilla ligula iaculis. Praesent fermentum scelerisque erat, eu fermentum nisi porttitor id. Donec sed volutpat tortor. Suspendisse ac felis ultricies dolor maximus commodo facilisis eu ex. Curabitur rhoncus vulputate facilisis.
Leda Efstratiou

Head Administrator

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus maximus venenatis lectus nec ultricies. Aenean tellus felis, gravida at urna eu, tristique facilisis ante. Sed semper luctus massa, sit amet hendrerit mi lobortis sed. Mauris vel imperdiet odio, vitae pharetra urna. Aliquam efficitur orci dui, in lacinia diam consectetur sit amet. Nam fermentum risus id nulla sollicitudin, sit amet fringilla ligula iaculis. Praesent fermentum scelerisque erat, eu fermentum nisi porttitor id. Donec sed volutpat tortor. Suspendisse ac felis ultricies dolor maximus commodo facilisis eu ex. Curabitur rhoncus vulputate facilisis.

  • President of the Board
    Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis

    President of the Board

    Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis

    He graduated from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Medical School in 1994, where he also completed his PhD in 1998 entitled “The in vitro activity of polyunsaturated fatty acids on Gram-negative bacteria”. He finished his training in Internal Medicine in Laikon Athens Hospital in 2001 and he specialized in the immunology of infectious disease at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands in 2006-2007. He is currently Professor of Internal Medicine at Athens Medical School and Supervisor of the Immunology of Infectious Diseases Laboratory and Out-Patient Centre at ATTIKON University Hospital. He is the director of  MSc in Infectious Diseases at the National and Kapodistrian School of Medicine in Athens, Greece. His research interests include the pathogenesis of sepsis with emphasis on immunoparalysis, innate immunity and biological therapies in hidradenitis suppurativa, and in vitro activities and pharmacokinetic of antimicrobials and their interactions on multidrug- resistant species. In 2009 he was awarded the Young Investigator Research Award of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. He is the first who described the complex immune dysregulation of COVID-19. He has published 559 peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals. He has 38,415 citations with h-index 92. He serves as the current President of the European Sepsis Alliance and he is a board member of the Global Sepsis Alliance. He is also the President of the Hellenic Society for Chemotherapy and the coordinator of the Hellenic Sepsis Study Group.

    • Chief Administrator
      L. Efstratiou

      Chief Administrator

      Leda Efstratiou

      A few words  and/or CV info goes here

    • Chief Scientific Officer
      A. Kotsaki
      • Medical Project Managers
        • RCTs
          Helena Florou
        • Hidradenitis Suppurativa
          T. Kanni
        • EU Projects
          M. Papaioannou
        • Clinical Research Associates Head
          A. Chatzianastasiou
          • Clinical Research Associates
            E. Angelopoulou E. Dimopoulou T. Gkavogianni O. Kontakou O. Konstantinidou L. Makris E. Olntasi P. Thanasoulias
          • Pharmacovigilance
            A. Bolanou I. Theodorou
          • Animal facility
            E. Katagianni D. Moraitou D. Droggiti D. Kafousopoulos
    • Assistant
      A. Konstantopoulou
    • Chief Project Officer
      M. Sofianopoulos
    • Chief Medical Officer
      K. Leventogiannis
      • Clinical Research Coordinator
        A. Antonakos
        • Study Physicians
          A. Alevizou V. Bourika S. Ktena E. Konstantinou O. Neofytou M. Nikolakea D. Papatheodosiou C. Psarrakis C. Sidiropoulou A. Vlyssidou S. Theochari
        • Laboratory Head
          A. Safarika
          • Laboratory
            G. Damoraki P. Koufargyris D. Ntouro N. Xirou E. Reisis P. Chatzigiannoglou
    • Statistical Team
      M. Kyprianou
      • Data management
        E. Angelopoulou K. Dakou S. Vlyssidis
        • Bioanalysis


International Symposium on Immunotherapy of Severe Infections
16-17 May 2024, Kalamata, Greece