1July, 2019


By |July 1st, 2019|Categories: Completed, Interventional, Studies, Systemic inflammatory disorders|Tags: |

Completed study Official Study Title A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial of the safety and efficacy of MABp1, a- first-in-class true human antibody targeting interleukin-1alpha, in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa not eligible for adalimumab Brief Description LIGHT is a double-blind randomized study aiming to the comparison of the efficacy of MABp1 (Bermekimab), a fully

1October, 2018


By |October 1st, 2018|Categories: Completed, Interventional, Sepsis and severe infections, Studies|Tags: |

Completed study Official Study Title a SUPar guided doublE-blind Randomized clinical trial of Initiation Of antibiotics foR presumed infection at the emergency department Brief Description SUPERIOR is a randomized clinical trial aiming to evaluate suPAR - guided medical intervention, consisting of early antibiotic administration at the emergency room for presumed infection and sepsis and

1December, 2017


By |December 1st, 2017|Categories: Completed, Interventional, Sepsis and severe infections, Studies|Tags: , |

Completed study Official Study Title A Personalized Randomized Trial of Validation and Restoration of Immune Dysfunction in Severe Infections and Sepsis (PROVIDE) Brief Description PROVIDE is a randomized clinical trial aiming to the personalized therapy of patients at septic shock. Using biomarkers, enrolled patients are randomized through a double-dummy approach to immunotherapy or placebo

1December, 2017


By |December 1st, 2017|Categories: Completed, Interventional, Sepsis and severe infections, Studies|Tags: |

Completed study Official Study Title A randomized Clinical Trial for enhanced trained Immune responses through bacillus calmette-guérin VAccination to prevenT infections of the Elderly (ACTIVATE) Brief Description ACTIVATE is a randomized clinical trial aiming to investigate if the developing concept of trained immunity i.e. the memory of the innate immune system coming after vaccination

1December, 2017


By |December 1st, 2017|Categories: Completed, Interventional, Sepsis and severe infections, Studies|Tags: , |

Completed study Official Study Title A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study of the efficacy of INtravenous CLArithromycin as adjunctive treatment in patients with Sepsis and respiratory and multiple organ dysfunction Syndrome Brief Description INCLASS is a randomized clinical trial aiming to compare the efficacy of intravenous clarithromycin over placebo in patients with sepsis and

1October, 2017


By |October 1st, 2017|Categories: Completed, Non-Interventional, Sepsis and severe infections, Studies|Tags: |

Completed study Official Study Title INTEgration of clinicaL and Laboratory Information to GENerate technological advanCE for the diagnosis of sepsis Brief Description INTELLIGENCE-1 is a non-interventional trial to validate the diagnostic accuracy of HemoSpec in the diagnosis of sepsis. HemoSpec is a device that integrates information of whole blood cell count, Raman spectra of

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