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19June, 2015
Compartmentalized Cytokine Responses in Hidradenitis Suppurativa

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Theodora Kanni, Vassiliki Tzanetakou, Athina Savva, Brigit Kersten, Aikaterini Pistiki, Frank L van de Veerdonk, Mihai G Netea, Jos W van der Meer, Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis PLoS One 2015 Jun 19;10(6):e0130522 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130522View article 🡇 Funding The study was funded by the Hellenic Institute for the Study of

1May, 2015
Angiopoietin-2 associations with the underlying infection and sepsis severity

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Korina Lymperopoulou, Dimitrios Velissaris, Antigone Kotsaki, Elli Antypa, Sara Georgiadou, Thomas Tsaganos, Despina Koulenti, Evgenia Paggalou, Georgia Damoraki, Napoleon Karagiannidis, Stylianos E Orfanos Cytokine 2015 May;73(1):163-8 DOI: 10.1016/j.cyto.2015.01.022View article 🡇 Funding This study was funded by the Hellenic Institute for the Study of Sepsis. Keywords: Angiopoietin-2; Infection;

1April, 2015
Endotoxemia as a diagnostic tool for patients with suspected bacteremia caused by gram-negative organisms: a meta-analysis of 4 decades of studies

Categories: Biomarkers, Publications|Tags: |

James C Hurley, Piotr Nowak, Lars Öhrmalm, Charalambos Gogos, Apostolos Armaganidis, Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2015 Apr;53(4):1183-91 DOI: 10.1128/JCM.03531-14 View article 🡇 FundingThis research was supported by the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing through the Rural Clinical Training and Support

1February, 2015
Serum soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor as a screening test for the early diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma

Categories: Other Grants, Publications|Tags: , |

Athina Chounta, Christofer Ellinas, Vassiliki Tzanetakou, Fani Pliarhopoulou, Virginia Mplani, Angelos Oikonomou, Kostantinos Leventogiannis, Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis Liver International 2015 Feb;35(2):601-7 DOI: 10.1111/liv.12705View article 🡇 Funding This study was funded by a kind donation of the Hellenic Institute for the Study of Sepsis. Keywords: early diagnosis;

23December, 2014
Early changes of the kinetics of monocyte trem-1 reflect final outcome in human sepsis

Categories: Genetics, Publications|Tags: , |

Androniki Marioli, Marina Koupetori, Maria Raftogiannis, Maria Patrani, Nikolaos Antonakos, Maria Pavlaki, Georgios Adamis, Georgia Dougekou, Georgia Damoraki, Iraklis Tsangaris BMC Immunology 2014 Dec 23;15:585 DOI: 10.1186/s12865-014-0063-yView article 🡇 Funding The study was supported by a kind donation form the Hellenic Institute for the Study of Sepsis.

19November, 2014
The discriminative capacity of soluble Toll-like receptor (sTLR)2 and sTLR4 in inflammatory diseases

Categories: Biomarkers, Publications|

Jaap Ten Oever, Matthijs Kox, Frank L van de Veerdonk, Khutso M Mothapo, Adriana Slavcovici, Tim L Jansen, Lieke Tweehuysen, Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Peter M Schneeberger, Peter C Wever, Monique Stoffels, Anna Simon, Jos W M van der Meer, Melissa D Johnson, Bart-Jan Kullberg, Peter Pickkers, Alexandre Pachot, Leo

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